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POWERTRON Case Studies & Common Application Scenarios

POWERTRON has the solution for all your stormy weather power needs
Case Study

Grocery Store

Emergency Backup Power Solutions with POWERTRON

A chain of grocery stores has experienced storm-related power outages. Each outage threatens the cold and freezer sections, potentially leading to hundreds of thousands of dollars in spoiled products, unexpected labor costs to restock shelves, and significant revenue losses.

The traditional emergency generator response costs between $4,000 and $6,000 per outage for temporary electrical connections, materials, and labor. Installing a POWERTRON Tap Box eliminates associated labor costs and reduces the power restoration time from hours to minutes, ensuring your business is back up and running quickly.

International Equipment Manufacturer

Equipment Manufacturing with a POWERTRON Tap Box

This customer occasionally requires a 50 Hz power source for final testing before exporting their machinery. Due to the sporadic need for this level of power, the customer seeks a temporary solution.

The POWERTRON Tap Box allows for a temporary 50 Hz generator to be quickly and easily connected, providing the necessary power to their test bay for the final "burn-in" before shipment. Once testing is complete, the temporary generator is removed, and the site returns to normal operations.

Commercial Office Building

The Powertron Tap Box simplifies connections between a load-bank and a diesel generator

This facility has a code-required diesel generator to back up normal electrical equipment, including elevators, fire pumps, and other essential systems. The large diesel generator requires annual load bank testing to ensure maximum performance when needed.

The POWERTRON Tap Box simplifies the connection of the load bank, minimizing labor and reducing the time required for testing. Ultimately, this solution saves the building owner money on preventative maintenance.

Gasoline Mini Marts

Electrical storms, Ice storms, and Snow storms

A large Midwest chain of gasoline mini-marts has determined that long-term power outages caused by electrical storms, blizzards, and ice storms are not only impacting their revenue stream but also their ability to serve customers in remote Midwest locations.

The POWERTRON Tap Box was installed at their facilities to allow for quick connections to backup power for key systems, including gas pumps, lighting, and refrigeration.

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