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Tap Box Cost vs. Generator

Permanent Backup Power Solutions with a POWERTRON Tap Box
Case Study

Scenario Details

  • Market Segment: Grocery Store Chain
  • Location: Chicago, IL
  • Product: 100 kW Diesel Generator
  • Solutions:
    1. Permanent Generator
    2. Emergency Response Rental
    3. Preplanned Generator Tap Box


A Chicago-based grocery store chain faces heightened vulnerability to power outages due to its location and the aging electrical infrastructure. During June and July, several stores experienced multiple power outages, some lasting up to three days. These outages jeopardized not only the cold and freezer sections of the stores but also the revenue from other non-perishable items due to store closures.

Although the stores managed to secure portable power within the critical four-hour window, the emergency electrical work and the additional time required to connect the generator exceeded $4,000, excluding the cost of the rental generator. One store, in particular, endured three outages within ten days, each time necessitating an emergency response from their local electrical contractor.

Tap Box vs Generator Cost Break Down


While cost estimates will vary by site, this scenario demonstrates the cost-effectiveness and significant time savings of restoring power quickly after an outage. The installation of a POWERTRON Tap Box configuration is likely to pay for itself by the second use. The building’s integrity remains secure, as everything is pre-planned, pre-wired, and procedures are in place for such emergencies.


All businesses should have a disaster recovery plan. Publicly traded companies, in particular, are required under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to secure their documents and records while maintaining internal control of data and processes. A power backup plan is an essential component to meet this requirement. Even if a business does not have a permanent generator, it is crucial to have a contingency plan in place to resume operations during a power outage to save data, preserve perishable items, and ensure security and communication capabilities.

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