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Phase Converters Play a Role in Wastewater Systems

Image of a wastewater plant that could be using RONK's ADD-A-PHASE Static Phase Converter to save cost
Product Note
Continual technology updates are helping many cities to function better as they try to keep up with an ever-increasing wastewater collection load.

This is particularly challenging for managers and engineers given the fact that the overwhelming percentage of new loads comes from suburbs and extended subdivisions. These new loads often exceed the original plans of many cities, which largely depended on gravity flow to the treatment plant. In the near future, lift stations will continue to be installed to handle both storm and sanitary wastewater.

Many smaller communities have sewer systems dating back many years, which all too frequently collapse without any fanfare. Keeping operating costs within reason is on everyone’s mind. Phase converters, which enable three phase lift stations to operate where only conventional single phase is available, can reduce the installation and operating costs of these lift stations.

Unfortunately, with any system, failures are inevitable. The goal is to minimize failures and simplify repairs. Just as wastewater systems present various problems with different solutions, the same can be said for the approach to using phase converters on many lift and pump stations. Since each basic type of converter system has its own pros and cons, engineers must choose them individually based on job requirements.

For steady pumping applications with fairly constant loads, the static type converter is well suited. Where load cycling is high and loads may vary widely, the rotary type converter should be used. Rotary type units are typically employed where loads can vary greatly from day to day, such as in water runoff handling. These systems handle high volumes of water during storms but have little or no use during other periods.

RONK's ADD-A-PHASE Static Converter
RONK's ADD-A-PHASE Static Converter

An important consideration for most cities is maintenance. A static converter like the RONK ADD-A-PHASE has major components that have proven very reliable; in fact, there have been very few autotransformer failures in this unit in over 50 years. The start capacitors, which occasionally need replacement, can be carried in a toolbox or purchased quickly from electrical distributors and motor shops alike.

The bottom line on the initial installation is the much lower start-up cost involved with converters. In some cases, bringing a three phase extension to a remote location is expensive, and in other cases, it is out of the question. With energy conservation and green initiatives becoming even more important, choosing the correct converter is more critical than ever. A capacitor/autotransformer static phase converter, like the ADD-A-PHASE, is very energy efficient, generates no harmonics, limits inrush to 3xFLA on the single phase lines, and can be configured for multiple motor applications.

For more information on our line of phase converters for duplex lift and pump stations, call RONK at 1-800-221-7665.

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